Carnation Care and Growing Tips

Carnation is a famous ornamental flower. It comes in a variety of colors than other flowers and another notable thing is that it is taller than other flower species. The most beautiful species is chabaud’s (Dianthus caryophyllus).
Commercial flower growers grow the flowers in greenhouses at a certain temperature and remove the branches around each branch to provide more nutrients to the next main flower. They are grown by cutting them.
But if you want to grow them as seedlings at home, then growing them from seeds will be the best option. Carnation is famous for its different colors and pungent aroma, and due to its property of staying fresh for a long time, it also looks great in a vase.
The advantage of these flowers is that they can also be eaten. They can be used in cakes, cold drinks, ice cream or even salads. Its leaf soup is also drunk. According to one information, its leaves should be removed before putting it in a vase, otherwise it will make the water in the vase bitter. This flower comes from a place called “Mediterranean” or its place of origin and as far as this flower is concerned, it has been cultivated for the last 2000 years.
Carnation is the most widely used flower in the world for decoration, especially for preparing a bed or container. Read the following article to know how you can plant carnations in your backyard and how to care for them. If you want to put carnation flowers for fresh flowers to put in a vase and if you do not want to buy from the market and want to put home-grown flowers, then read this article.
Carnation has a rich heritage as it has been cultivated in various places. Carnation is a flower of the “Dianthus” species which is a very popular flower species in modern times. Its two other species, sweet William (Dianthus barbatus) and Garnen pinks (Dianthus plumerias), are known for their beautiful, attractive leaves and pungent fragrance. The name of this species comes from the ancient Greek words dios (meaning holy) and anthos (meaning flower).
There are two types of carnation, (1) Annual and (2) Perennial, depending on the climate of your area.
Generally, carnation is a long-lived species, depending on the climate of your area, but if you want a long life, then for that you need to take proper care of the carnation and provide it with the right environment. This will increase its lifespan.
It comes in different color varieties such as pink, white and red varieties as well as blue and yellow with other color combinations, etc., and the special thing is that each variety also has different beautiful delicate leaves that increase its beauty many times over.
Where to buy seeds for sowing?
Generally, the last days of winter or the beginning of spring are very suitable for sowing seeds.
Sowing: If you want to grow carnations as a business or if you are a housewife or a home caretaker or a general gardener,
then this article will give you useful and necessary tips.
(1) As cut flowers in a flower shop or
(2) As a field in a greenhouse.
(3) As a decoration in the house in a flower plant or in the ground
The species that die after flowering only once a year are more fragrant species while the species that flower every year are less fragrant.
Species that flower year after year need to be protected from frost and especially farmers using greenhouses do not allow the temperature to go below 45°F which is most suitable for them but if you live in a cold region then it is not useful for you
In the opposite situation, some farmers use the Polytunnel method and maintain a certain temperature using lights or you can also use them as indoor plants in your home.

Using the Staking Method: Many farmers or greenhouse owners use the Staking method. In this method, it is desirable to cut off the tall flower head at the front of the branch, so that the flower buds around it can develop faster or grow faster. If you remove the front part using this method, then the growth of the plant will slow down to such an extent that the height of the plant will decrease.
But another advantage of this is that the number of flowers on the plant will increase significantly. One thing to keep in mind here is that if you have brought the plant from a good quality nursery, then this process will have already been done on it, but if you have planted the plant from seeds, then you should wait until the height of the plant is 6 inches.
Sowing seeds: Seeds of a famous and reputed company should be selected, for this, things like soil type, climate, etc. of your local area are effective.
Now for the next process, spread the seeds on the ground, and spread a light layer of manure or vermicompost on it and take care that the seeds do not go too deep into the soil so that they do not get the necessary heat, fertilizer, water, etc.
Introduction: Carnation is not only used as an ornamental flower due to its unique appearance but it is also used as a beauty cream due to its medicinal properties and skin enhancing properties. If you want to grow carnation successfully, then all your curiosity will be satisfied in this article.
Fertilizing: Any seed that has been planted or the germinated seeds are covered with natural fertilizer such as dry leaves, vegetable waste, etc., which gives the germinated seeds and plants a good growth rate. It is advisable to apply fertilizer mixed in water once a month. Before applying fertilizer, it is important to read the instructions specified on its packet, as it contains instructions on how much to apply, at what interval of time, etc. Using too much fertilizer can also be harmful, but using the right amount and the best-performing fertilizer ensures strong plant growth and abundant flower production.
The fertilizer used for carnation is called slow-release fertilizer. If you add the right salts and nutrients to the soil using the fertilizer mentioned above, you will continue to get its benefits for years and slow release fertilizer helps in rapid growth of the plant and increase the production of flowers, but as mentioned earlier, be careful not to damage the roots.
There is a special need for fertilizer in the summer season and it is advisable to give fertilizer only once a year.
Prevention of pests and diseases: If yellow and black spots appear on the plant or leaves or symptoms of any diseases appear, pay attention to it. It can be said that spider mites, aphids, thrips etc. can be removed by spraying insecticides and other means.
Supporting and deadheading: As seen in other flower species, a section of the middle or third flower bud is removed to encourage vigorous growth and more flower production.
It is often seen that the long branches of the plant, which are heavily loaded with leaves and flowers, are more likely to bend or break, so they should be supported with a dry branch of wood or other object or tied with string. Be careful not to tie them too tightly.
Carnation care is easier than other flower species, but you need to pay attention to the following other things in addition to the above instructions. Such as
(1) It is necessary to leave enough space between the carnation plants so that other diseases such as powdery mildew or fungal diseases do not spread and can be prevented.
(2) If the leaves are turning yellow, it means that the plant needs water or is not getting enough irrigation water.
(3) If we talk about sunlight, then at least 4 to 6 hours of full sunlight should be provided.
(4) If the content of the above salts in the soil is low, you can provide it separately through fertilizer.
(5) Water should be given 2-3 days a week.
What should you do to keep carnations kept in a vase fresh?
First of all, when you buy carnations from a flower shop, cut their branches in a V shape or with a blade and keep them in a vase filled with fresh water so that these flowers remain fresh and shiny for a long time.
Remove unnecessary leaves that are attached to the branches. These stale leaves increase bacteria, make the water dirty and reduce the shine of the flower. Also, since this flower is a cool-loving plant, it should be kept away from direct sunlight.
Also, the water in the vase should be changed every 2-3 days. Due to constant water changes, the flowers will remain fresh and beautiful for a long time.
Finally, a copper coin or such objects should be kept in the vase to keep the water fresh.
Then water should be given very gently so that it does not harm others and then the required temperature should be maintained in the soil.
Planting the seeds in a plant pot:
When the carnation reaches a depth of 5 inches, it should be planted in well-drained soil, making sure that the soil is not too moist or waterlogged. Slightly moist or wet soil will be fine, but very muddy soil will not do.

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