Varieties of Daisy Flower to Grow

Daisy plants are generally considered to be native to South Africa. The plant likes saline soil and flowers once a year. Daisy has a magical charm that is enough to beautify any garden, but despite the fact that this species comes in thousands of varieties, when we first hear the word daisy, we imagine a white one. A small flower with a yellow ring in the middle.
If you are thinking that this flower requires a lot of effort to grow then the answer is no it is easy to grow with a little care, it is an excellent plant to grow in the garden or to grow at home. Generally 3 main species can be considered (1) Chrysanthemum Daisies (2) African Daisies (3) Gerbera Daisies.
Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned gardener, here in the article you will find useful tips that will help you to garden effectively. Here are detailed tips on how to care for, water, protect against pests and diseases, and how to prune, which will help you grow bright and beautiful Daisy flowers as a result.
(1) African Daisy The height of this plant is 20-60 cm. Shiny flowers are seen with small size leaves. As mentioned earlier, this species of African origin is also available in pink, yellow and orange colors in modern-day newly developed varieties. Each species is different in its form, color and size.
Characteristics: Originally from south Africa, this species likes warm days and cool nights.
How to raise? First of all, it is very important to choose the right place, so while choosing the land, it should maintain the right amount of salts and the water supply should also be right. Besides, there should be an arrangement to get the right amount of sunlight. If you want to plant seeds in the summer season, you must first allow the soil to cool properly or the heat will kill the seeds, making sure that the soil temperature stays below 60 degrees during the next 3 months.
(1) How to sow?
This species thrives in soil that receives full sunlight. Also, the soil should be slightly saline with a pH of around 6.0 to 7.0 and the garden should also be protected from heavy rain and wind.
How to sow?
For this you have to dig a hole 8 inches deep and plant 10 Daisy seeds in it then immediately sprinkle water and water it 1 time in 2-3 days continuously for one month. For this it is necessary to plant 10 daisy seeds at a distance of 4 inches. The right time for this is winter. Also for this the productivity of the soil should be good or the content of useful salts should be at its proper level.
After that proper amount of manure should be mixed in it and again soil soil should be mixed on top. The plant should then be fertilized regularly once a week until it flowers.
How to plant a Daisy in a pot?
(1) If you don’t have good quality soil or suitable sunlight system or any other reason then you can also plant it in pots.
Following steps should be taken to plant this plant in kundam.
1. You fill the flower pot with 8 inches of normal soil and plant the seeds in it.
2. Keep in mind that the part where the bubbles will burst upwards is on the upper side.
3. Then water.
4. Keep the area cool and dry or keep the surrounding environment cool and leave it there till winter.
5. Once it sprouts, you can place it in sunlight and water it once a week.
In winter season if you live in colder part of America, Europe then once a week in winter season and then in spring season. Water again in the spring when new growth occurs.
Once you have planted the nodule, water should be given only after the bud appears in the small nodule (eye) that appears in it. It is true that the tumor needs water but over watering will adversely affect its growth and there is a danger of it dying. So a normal humidity level is imperative. Different species take different amounts of time to open their eyes, but generally 4 to 8 weeks is a good time to expect.
New plants do not require much water. Generally plants that reach 8 to 12 inches in height should be watered regularly and deeply. More water is needed during that time especially during the full season and at the same time it is flowering.
Fertilizing: The best time to fertilize a daisy flower is during the period when the daisy flower is fully developed and falls. Or in other words, when the flowering period is over, it is best to give the daisy plant a nutrient-rich fertilizer. Applying this fertilizer will re-energize the plant for the coming year and continue to produce abundant flowers, read the instructions on the fertilizer packet in more detail.
1. How to cut flowers for vases?: If you want to cut as a vase flower then it is best to cut when the flower is in bud form. Also keep in mind that it should have a light green color but blooming flowers are not useful.
A little about the African daisy: This species is originally from the countries of southern Africa, and this plant is famous for its distinctive plant appearance. It usually attains a height of 20 to 60 centimeters, and its spoon-shaped leaves add to its beauty.
The plant is famous for its attractive flowers which have brown and yellow streaks and spots between the white flowers which are spherical in shape. If we talk about the leaves, they add to the beauty of the garden manifold with a beautiful combination of light green and gray colors.
Other improved varieties or newly developed hybrids also have pink, orange, yellow and purple colored flowers. African daisy is thus the flower species of choice for gardeners due to its many varieties.
Flowering Time: As mentioned earlier, daisy is basically a species of South African continent. So this plant is very comfortable with sunlight during the day and coolness at night is equally necessary for it. Daisy flowers usually start with the onset of light rains in spring. Flowering period is the whole summer which means the flowers keep coming throughout the summer. Fertilizers can also be given very lightly during this period.
(1) Just like any other flower species, proper quality fertilizer and watering is important for daisy plants. There is a danger of rotting the roots of Daisy plants by giving too much water, so once the need for water is felt in the soil, it is necessary to water it from time to time. It also makes the roots grow in their healthy state.
Fertilizing: To increase abundant flower production on daisy plants and for vigorous growth of daisy plants, it is imperative to fertilize once a month in a liquid form that provides food for rapid daisy growth and large, shiny flowers.
Pruning: For rapid and vigorous growth of daisy plants, top pruning is necessary to remove the middle of the three leaves or branches around the top to give the plant a growth spurt called “deadheading” and this process results in more flower production. There is also an important process to do.
How to take care during winter and snowfall?
During the winter season and especially the snowfall period is a bit of a concern for the daisy but taking a few precautions can prevent this problem.
First of all, during winter how one can remove the effect of cold temperature, choose a place where the temperature is between 45 to 60 degrees Ferenheat, for this you can keep it in the veranda or in the drawing room in the rainy season or even in the balcony. can That place should get enough air and sunlight.
2. Watering should be reduced or daily watering should be avoided especially during winter season, but care should also be taken that the soil does not dry out completely and the roots are not adversely affected.
A great option for winter season is Greenhouse where the cold environment is automatically maintained at its fixed temperature. Also protects against snowfall and snow freezing.
Pests and Diseases: Daisy plants are also easily attacked by pests such as snails, spider mites and aphids are common pests. But one can get rid of it by regular monitoring and spraying liquid medicine or using spray.
It will be imperative to keep the cuttings at normal room temperature in the vase, also the water in the vase should be changed periodically and a copper coin or similar object should be kept in the vase as a water purifier.
As for other diseases, there are nomatodes, gray mold and root rot, for which fungicides and insecticides are sprayed in liquid form.

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